Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information

Class Activation Code: HB2PX

Each month your teacher will send home a flyer filled with affordable books just right for your child's age and reading level. Kids read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to let your child help make selections.

You might remember flipping through the Scholastic flyer when you were in school, eagerly circling your choices, and handing the form to the teacher. Your kids can do the same, but you can also order books online, which is simple, convenient, and saves time.

To start ordering online, follow these simple steps:

1. REGISTER at Scholastic Book Clubs' secure Web site and create your own user name and password.

2. ENTER the one time Class Activation Code above to link you to your child's classroom and teacher recommendations.

3. BROWSE the wide selection of books with your child.

4. PAY safely and securely for your selections using your credit card.

5. SEND the order to your child's teacher online.